To allow us to provide the highest quality of service, spend sufficient time with each patient, use the best materials and offer the greatest treatment choice, all adult patients are seen on a private basis.
We are very happy to see children under the NHS
We have three payment options for adult patients and will always take the time to discuss them with you at your initial consultation to ensure you are receiving the best value for money
All initial consultations include a full oral health check, gum assessment, and oral cancer check. Any necessary small x rays are included in the price.
Pay as you Go
Under this option patients pay the full private fee for all treatment completed. It is ideal for those patients who have their own independent dental cover, for example through work, or for those who simply wish to pay each time they attend.
Highland Dental Plan is a locally based mutual company providing low cost dental plans. It offers a low cost monthly direct debit payment scheme allowing patients to budget for future dental care and allowing easy access to high quality private dentistry. There are two different plans available: Full Care, and Maintenance.